viernes, mayo 3, 2024

Este es el tiburón blanco más grande del mundo

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Películas como Jaws, The Shallows y hasta Sharknado se han encargado de darle una mala reputación a los tiburones y convertirlos en villanos asesinos que no descansan hasta destrozar a los humanos que se atreven a meterse en su territorio, pero, en la vida real ese no es el caso.

Un tiburón te puede arrancar un brazo de una mordida pero, aunque no lo creas, estos no son animales agresivos que atacan solo por ser violentos o vengativos, en la mayoría de los casos, si no lo provocas no van a causarte ningún daño, y un grupo de buzos lo acaba de comprobar.

Algunas personas ponen a prueba sus nervios metiéndose a nadar entre tiburones, generalmente ellos se encuentran versiones relativamente pequeñas que no suelen atacar personas, pero, de vez en cuando, se topan con una situación que los deja al borde de un ataque de pánico.

El mar es enorme y realmente no sabemos que es lo que se encuentra debajo del agua y que tan grandes son los “monstruos” que viven debajo de la superficie. Los buzos se encontraban explorando las aguas de Hawái cuando se toparon con el tiburón blanco más grande que jamás se haya visto en el mundo, y las imágenes son sorprendentes.

Los buzos se encontraban en un viaje organizado por el National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrarion para investigar a un grupo de tiburones tigre que se estaban alimentando del cadáver de una ballena en Oahu, y lo que encontraron ahí no fue exactamente o que estaban esperando ver.

La investigadora Ocean Ramsey y su equipo fueron recibidos por un enorme tiburón gigante. El tamaño del animal parece corresponder con el de Deep Blue, el tiburón blanco más grande que existe en el planeta, y, en lugar de salir huyendo (como cualquier persona cuerda habría hecho), los buzos decidieron acercarse y documentar este avistamiento histórico.

Las imágenes compartidas vía Instagram muestran el enorme tamaño de esta criatura que hace que los investigadores parezcan os juguetes de algún niño, la buena noticia es que este “monstruo” parece ser pacifico y no estaba interesado en darle una mordida a nadie.

“Ella era simplemente una gran gigante hermosa y gentil que quería usar nuestro bote como un poste para rascarse. Salimos al amanecer, y ella se quedó con nosotros casi todo el día «, dijo Ramsey al Star Advertiser en una entrevista. «Parece que puede estar embarazada: es sorprendentemente ancha».

Ramsey dice estar convencida de que se trata de Deep Blue porque ya había podido verla antes en un viaje de investigación en México.

Lo más raro del caso es que Deep Blue parecía tener sus propios guardaespaldas, dos delfines, lo que es bastante sorprendente porque los delfines suelen evitar a los tiburones por seguridad. En este caso, Ramsey dijo que los delfines la seguían a todos lados y parecían estar muy divertidos con ella.

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When I think of these moments I am filled with gratitude and deep joy.  I share these videos because I hope you will be inspired to #HelpSaveSharks and help #SaveTheOcean because it truly is a magical place and sharks and marine life truly do need YOUR help.  Sharks are demonized in mainstream media because drama sells, but because of that people do not have awareness or compassion for their plight. Sharks like this 22ft gorgeous female we lovingly call “Grandma Great White” who kept brushing up against the @oneOceanDiving @OneOceanResearch boat are increasingly rare due to bycatch and targeted catch in longlines, drift nets, gill nets, trophy fishing, culling, and entanglement. The demand for shark fin soup means an unsustainable number of sharks (Over 100,000,000) are killed every year. Much of the killing is “out of sight” so “its out of mind” I hope this brings a realization to your mind that these sharks are going to go extinct within our lifetime if enough people do not speak up for them and demand the slaughter end. Finning and killing for shark liver oil, cartilage pills, teeth and jaws for the souvenir trade, culling, and wasteful fishing by catch happens all over the world everyday and when shark populations crash the health of reefs and other marine species suffers and that ultimately affects the marine ecosystems which we rely on for 70% of the air that we breathe. **Disclaimer**I’ve been working with white sharks for over a decade and daily with large sharks for almost two, please dont just jump in large apex predators.  Dolphin behavior I think they were just playing around the way they do with whales. Contrary to the way media portrays, sharks and dolphins actually often hunt together. Sharks usually only go after things that appear weaker, wounded, injured, sick, dead, etc, that is their important role in the ocean. #aprxPredatorNotMonster Goals: Save sharks, help people overcome fear BUT replace it with a high level of respect for their capabilities and role. #savesharks #savedolphins #dolphinandgreatwhite #oceanramsey #juansharks #oneoceandiving #oneoceanresearch #oneocean #onelife Audio: @oneoceanresearch Hydrophone recordings #whales

Una publicación compartida de Ocean Ramsey #OceanRamsey (@oceanramsey) el

Los investigadores dicen que no es recomendable nadar con tiburones sin la protección de una jaula, pero que, en este caso, estuvieron completamente seguros todo el tiempo porque Deep Blue tiene experiencia con humanos y estar embarazada significa que es mucho más tranquila y cuidadosa. «Estoy sin palabras; es conmovedor; ella es probablemente la blanca más gentil y amable que he visto», dijo. «Las hembras grandes embarazadas son en realidad las más seguras para estar, las más grandes y mayores, porque lo han visto todo, incluyéndonos a nosotros».

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I hope she is still alive💙 I hope more people have the opportunity to experience incredible moments with sharks. To me, spending time with sharks is an honor and I am always grateful for my time with them. There is something so special about sharks, being in the presence of such capable predators demands a high level of awareness if you want to have a healthy/enjoyable interaction. While I don’t advise that anyone just jump in with a large shark like a white, tiger, Bull, galapagos, Mako, blue, etc it is one of the most wonderful feelings to spend time observing them if you can do so with an experienced and safe guide. “Grandma Great White” photographed by my ❤️ @juansharks dwarfs me as she glides over to our @oneoceandiving boat, brushing her side and fins along it. White sharks are rare but present in Hawaii, they generally stay 100 meters and deeper in cooler water because this species is warm bodied. Some of the white sharks I have helped tag with small acoustic receivers in Mexico have ventured all the way here around the whale season in our cooler months. Please #helpsavesharks like this from wasteful killing by supporting legislation this next year for better protection and pushing to ban shark killing and shark finning in the part of the world where you live. Shark interactions: deterring a white shark is difficult, it’s important if approached to leverage yourself past their nose or snout by placing a hand 🖐🏼 flat on top of their head and pushing yourself up and over the top, adapting to leverage to stay over in case they roll up at you. This is very rare, this species prefers to ambush predate so you generally wouldn’t see it coming unless you look around constantly. If they are swimming slowly they are likely just curious and they actually tend to investigate before biting things which would explain why so few people are ever bit by a white shark despite how many people go in their home everyday. #apexpredatornotmonster #savesharks #protectsharks #savegreatwhitesharks #grandmagreatwhite @oneoceansharks #hawaii #sharksinhawaii #swimmingwithsharks Tiger shark biomimicry wetsuit by @xcelwetsuits @axisgo @gopro @cressi1946 Photo ©️ @juansharks ❤️🦈

Una publicación compartida de Ocean Ramsey #OceanRamsey (@oceanramsey) el

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Photo by my ❤️🦈@juansharks During certain times of the year (like now through October in Hawaii) Tiger Sharks may utilize specific areas to pup (give birth) mate, or hunt a seasonal prey item. Ancient Hawaiians knew theses seasons when sightings were more common. Kahu Manō where the “shark keepers” the ones who would seek them out and spend time with them like ohana (family.) Being aware and respectful of times and places can reduce or increase your chances of an encounter. Looking around constantly when you are in their domain/home/hale is one way to help encourage chances of a more peaceful encounter. If approached by a tiger shark on the surface they have a round snout that can be leveraged off of but it is more ideal to push flat handed on top of the head with a locked elbow to push yourself up, over, and behind, should you need to deter a large shark and slowly move towards your exit if you are not with an experienced guide. Photo by @juansharks our with @oneoceandiving @oneoceanhawaii @oneoceansharks @oneoceanresearch @oneoceanconservation @oneoceanglobal @waterinspired @oneoceaneducation #oneocean #helpsavesharks #savesharks #learnaboutsharks #sharkbehavior101 #sharkinteraction #freediverwithsharks #sharks #shark #swimmingwithsharks #swimwithsharks #sharksnorkel #sharkswim #savesharks #helpsavetheocean #sharkethology #ethology #ethologist #ocean #juansharks #discoversharks Tiger Suit by @xcelwetsuits

Una publicación compartida de Ocean Ramsey #OceanRamsey (@oceanramsey) el


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